Using important tools of industrial development is the intro to creation of new opportunities for local and regional developments. One of important aspects and tools for this development, are industrial parks, which was founded in the past in the industrial countries and mainly used as a mean for promote and management of industrial development and creating infrastructures and public services. Since 1970’s, worldwide were witnessed to increase in number of industrial parks, especially in newly industrialized countries, now, more than 14000 industrial park exist in the world. Industrial park differ too much in different parameters such as extent, type and organization but many principal elements is common too. All of them gather small and often big industries toghether in specified and limited place. A single organization that is in communication with owners of industries located in there that have legal authorization, manage the industrial park. With respect to importance of sustainable economic development in developing countries, especially Iran, and also evaluating urban and rural population growth, in most regions of country with low and medium income, creating jobs, infrastructure development, education, health, public services and curbing population are like a big setback for sustainable economic development. Small and medium size active firms in manufacturing, service and business sectors can provide the most on job opportunities, if they locate in industrial parks and use facilities and infrastructure services well and can profit from public infrastructures and shared facilities and can access to skilled workforce near the industrial parks and educational and research facilities and other important affecting factors. Since, major argument in public and private sectors is facilitating affairs corresponding to construction and maintenance of industrial parks that can compete in global and local level, the ability to compete in regional and national and even international markets is an important prerequisite for creating sustainable economic growth and in line with act of industrial parks assignment in country to managers of industrial units, and with regard to act 24 constitution in Esfand 1393, funding board of board of directors in service firm of great industrial park of shiraz founded with the surveillance of firm of industrial parks of fars and ultimately in Farvardin of 1394 service firm of great industrial park of shiraz was registered